Using Genetics to Target Cancer's Achilles' Heel

Using Genetics to Target Cancer's Achilles' Heel

Filed under: drug addiction news stories recent

But there are other mutations which look good on paper and look like a drug would work well, but the cancer cell is actually not addicted to that pathway, and those genes may not have a significant effect on the growth of those tumor cells. FLATOW …
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Lawmakers hear why drug courts can bite into drug use

Filed under: drug addiction news stories recent

Ironically describing the program as “probation on steroids,” a representative from a national organization aimed at fighting drug addiction and related crimes told lawmakers why Merrimack County should join three other counties in creating a new …
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United Way accepting applications

Filed under: drug addiction news stories recent

Any violation of these terms could result in the comment being removed from a story and of the commenter being banned from making further comment posts. If you see someone posting something abusive, you can report it with just a … You can't have an …
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