The FDA Is Pushing for Greater Restrictions on Prescription Painkillers: Now

The FDA is Pushing For Greater Restrictions on Prescription Painkillers: Now

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

In an effort to combat the growing problem of prescription drug abuse, the FDA announced it will begin recommending tighter controls on how doctors prescribe commonly used narcotic painkillers that contain Hydrocodone. For those that have witnessed the …
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Everything You Need To Know About Popcorn But Were Afraid To Find Out

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

To help you make sense of what's really healthy and what's not, we've put together this handy-dandy graphic. Your best bet? Air-pop the kernels (it's really … Many people ask their doctor for a prescription for antibiotics or antivirals for symptoms …
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Jubilee House in Twin Falls helps women overcome addiction

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

While each of the women currently in the program has battled different addictions, they've all abused prescription drugs and at some point committed drug related crimes. "I had lost hope, completely. I had no hope that I could ever get better," said …
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