the university of texas health science center

Rehab Facilities in Utah | Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers | Rehab Facilities in Utah


Rehab Facilities in Utah | Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers | Rehab Facilities in Utah – Rehab Facilities in Utah help you get you life back. Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers help people in getting detox in Utah, recover…


Approximately 400 Individuals Received Complimentary On-Site Melanoma

Filed under: drug rehab centers

(This is a non-treatment trial.) About The Mount Sinai Medical Center. The Mount Sinai Medical Center encompasses both The Mount Sinai Hospital and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Established in 1968, the Icahn School of Medicine is one of …
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County commits to renting substance abuse treatment beds

Filed under: drug rehab centers

MADISON – A lack of substance abuse treatment facilities is the biggest problem for both Boone County's drug and criminal courts, according to Boone County Circuit Judge William Thompson. “In our efforts to get drug addicts help and recovery, we are …
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Women dying from drug abuse

Filed under: drug rehab centers

Steele, now a patient at the Counseling Center, a rehabilitation center here, remembers getting calls about deaths of high school classmates while working at an answering service for a local funeral home. She counted about 50 women she had known who …
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Memorial Hermann Northeast Hospital Unveils .8 Million Expansion, Upgrade

Filed under: drug rehab centers

“Through this partnership with UT Health, the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, we are able to expand and enhance treatment options by bringing breast cancer and urology specialists to the area so that Lake Houston area residents …
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