substance abuse treatment

Expert: Inmate Risks Suffocation-Like Syndrome

Expert: Inmate risks suffocation-like syndrome

Filed under: Drug Abuse Texas

Ohio plans to use intravenous doses of two drugs, midazolam, a sedative, and hydromorphone, a painkiller, to put McGuire to death. The method has been part of Ohio's execution process since 2009, though never used. It was chosen because of a shortage …
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4 More Reasons to Reject Legalizing Marijuana

Filed under: Drug Abuse Texas

A more uplifting testimony is the one I heard personally of a ninth-grader who regularly smoked pot, which he said "really messed up [his] mind," but he was grateful to God that he had been set free from the addiction that was ruining his life. This …
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Southern West Virginia lawmakers define goals for 2014 session

Filed under: Drug Abuse Texas

Another piece of legislation, Senate Bill 371, was a sweeping reform of the state's criminal justice system and relieves overcrowded jails and prisons including substance abuse treatment for inmates when they are released, Chafin said. “Additionally, a …
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DEA: Investigation nets 35 indictments

Filed under: Drug Abuse Texas

“The resulting indictments, arrests and seizures will have a positive impact in the community, where the distribution and abuse of illegal drugs can have devastating health and societal effects. We will continue to work together to pursue drug …
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