residential treatment centers

How Can I Tell My Ten Year Old Daughter That Im a Drug Addict Going Into a Rehab Without Damaging Her?

Question by concerned1: How can i tell my ten year old daughter that im a drug addict going into a rehab without damaging her?
Im a single mom with a ten year old daughter. I am a drug addict soon to be going into a 90 day inpatient treatment center and she will be going with me. She is at an age, that in my opinion ,shes to old not to question this but to young to find out her mommy is a drug addict. It will be very soon that I have to sit her down and explain where we’ll be going and i dont know how to, without it damaging her. And, at the same time I want to be fully prepared for the questions she’ll have.

Best answer:

Answer by jfdtwad150
do tell her about that make up something

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Carrie at Habilitat Hawaii Long Term Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Center – Carrie came from Chicago to Habilitat Hawaii Long Term Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Center to get help to overcome her addiction. After a few very dangerous encounters she realized that she couldn’t do it on her own. Habilitat Hawaii has helped her change her attitudes and outlooks on life. She is now headed in a new direction and sees hope for her future without drugs and alcohol. If you or someone you know needs help call or go online before its too late. 1-800-872-2525 [email protected]


Editorial: Addiction Intervention and Treatment Work

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

Residential treatment programs are 30-day minimum programs in which patients enter a safe, secure facility in which intensive drug and alcohol treatment programs are the cornerstone of the patient's daily activities. Often, patients who have attempted …
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Who won the drug war? Drugs did

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

The proposed “National Institute of Cannabis” would sell pot at below-market rates, undercut the street traffickers and funnel the proceeds towards drug treatment centers. This global loosening of pot laws is testing rigid United Nations drug …


Residential treatment system needs reform

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

In-depth reporting by The Arizona Republic's Craig Harris and Rob O'Dell and, earlier, Channel 12's Wendy Halloran found the residential treatment centers where some of these kids wind up have their own challenges. In their series of investigative …
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