nora volkow

Online Marketers Take Note of Brains Wired for Rewards

Online Marketers Take Note Of Brains Wired For Rewards

Filed under: drug addiction help free

"An unexpected reward has much more power than one that is regular in driving behavior," says Nora Volkow, the head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "This has been known for a very long time." More than 60 years ago, the famous American …
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Nuts and bolts: The legislature's budget for 2013-14

Filed under: drug addiction help free

>>eliminate the community college tuition waiver for senior citizens, a $ 970,000 annual cost that had allowed residents 65 or older to take some courses free. >>continue the phase-out of the North Carolina … >>cut three-state operated alcohol and …


Experts: Obamacare will lead to massive spying on US health records

Filed under: drug addiction help free

The government's problem lies in an Obamacare requirement for a certain level of coverage for a certain price, creating “huge incentives for insurers to avoid the sick,” Cannon explained. “Insurers have to provide coverage to customers for $ 10,000 when …
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