nora volkow

A Cure for Addiction?


A cure for addiction? – National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Nora Volkow explains how discoveries about stroke victims could help us find the cure for addiction.


'TakePart Live' Tonight: Marijuana Perception and Policy

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

This evening's panel will take on the National Institute on Drug Abuse statement, which bluntly (heh, heh) denies that marijuana is less toxic than alcohol. We'll look at the benefits and side effects of the two drugs and consider public opinion …
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Northwestern basketball coach among Glenbard guests on dangers of drugs

Filed under: national institute on drug abuse

In fact, White, a program director at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, presented at Glenbard South in March. "You have a judge who has made some landmark decisions around parents, teens, parties and alcohol," Ross said. "You have …
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