nora volkow

Highs and Lows of Using Marijuana

Highs and lows of using marijuana

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

The National Institute on Drug Abuse says that marijuana causes an increase in heart rate, which could put users at risk for a heart attack or stroke. Marijuana smoke also contains carcinogens similar to cigarette smoke. A 2011 study published in the …
Read more on Fox 13 Now – Salt Lake City


We Need a Conceptual Breakthrough in the War on Drugs

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

Americans believe drugs cause addiction — the more drugs, the more addiction. So we need, above all, always to stem the supply of drugs. And the disease theory espoused by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (embodied by Nora Volkow: June 13, 2011 …
Read more on Huffington Post


Labour attacked for 'methadone millionaires' claim in drugs debate

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

“It is unacceptable that chemists in some parts of Scotland make significant amounts of money from the suffering that drug addiction causes in our communities. “Millions of pounds of ordinary Scots' money is being wasted on topping up the incomes of …


From Twitter:

Prescription Drug Addiction: Legal, but Lethal.
Prescription medications can sneak up on you and lead to addiction
. – by PaulVeale (Paul Veale TTP )