new york

Drug Possession Charges?

Question by AKAp3Lluh: Drug Possession Charges?
So im a minor.. I am 15 years old and i was caught with 5ecstasy pills at school. It was pretty obvious by the packaging that i had intent to distribute. One student even confirmed i had sold to her. But the police arent concerned with charging me for distribution. Im only being charged for possession. I got a class 4 Felony for it, and i have court at the end of the month determining what my punishment will be. This is my first offense and i have no previous record. Im just wondering whatll most likely be my punishment.

Best answer:

Answer by Suicidal For Life
You should skate. The judge might order you to go to treatment- which you might need anyway. The worst of all this is that it goes on your school record- by the time you get a serious job you will be over 18 so it wont show up in a background check, but colleges arent going to like seeing a blemish like that on your record. If I were you I would leave the drugs alone and keep my nose clean. If you have to do something stick to weed and dont bring it to school with you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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