mental health treatment

Brooke Mueller's Drug Abuse Under Investigation

Brooke Mueller's drug abuse under investigation

Filed under: drug rehab treatment

Brooke, 35, is currently being treated in the Betty Ford Clinic for her 20th stay in rehab and her drug addiction will be thoroughly investigated ahead of the June 4 hearing which will determine who will have care of the twins for the next six months.
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Actor Matthew Perry Awarded for Drug Court Advocacy

Filed under: drug rehab treatment

Perry, who struggled with prescription pain killer addiction for years and entered rehab twice before getting a grip on his own addiction, first learned about the drug court system several years ago when a friend asked him to speak at one. “Many of …
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'Maldonado for governor' off to a bad start

Filed under: drug rehab treatment

Advocate more drug courts, education opportunities and mental health treatment — better rehab. Say, "I screwed up." Laugh at himself. "Abel is able to make things fun," he told me, referring tongue-in-cheek to his misguided garage event. That's a good …
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Marijuana Legalization The War On Drugs is Over and Drugs Won

Filed under: drug rehab treatment

They have also seen the benefits of rehab as oppose to prison in this debate. The benefits of rehabilitation instead of imprisonment extends to all drugs though, and our policies should reflect this. Prohibition has failed to decrease drug use, another …
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