medical marijuana

Should Adderall Be Prescribed to a Person With a History of Drug Abuse?

Question by Mr.Obvious: Should Adderall be prescribed to a person with a history of drug abuse?
a friend of mine has a history of drug abuse and was prescribed Adderall, a pharmacutical grade amphetamine, for adhd. Now she acts like she can’t function without it. Should this be cause for concern?

Best answer:

Answer by Briar
She’s most likely dependent on it and yes it should be a very serious concern and should not be prescribed if she has a history of drug abuse. I started taking adderall a long time ago because I loved its effects, i’m prescribed to it, and I hate what it has done to me. I can’t go a day without it at school, but I’m fine outside of school without it. Its a very addictive drug and she should get help. The first day without it is a horrible withdrawal and after that for me I can live without it but I know how much better I perform with it and it makes me want it. Adderall is dangerous and I regret trying it to begin with.

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