medical marijuana

High Rate of Students Suffer From Alcohol Dependency

High rate of students suffer from alcohol dependency

Filed under: drug addiction definition

The Maryland Collaborative defined binge drinking as “drinking five or more drinks (for males, four or more for females) on the same occasion on at least one day during the last 30 days.” This is the first study the Maryland Collaborative has released …
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Grady Judd: Medical marijuana is a sham

Filed under: drug addiction definition

Authors of the amendment have included a truck-sized loophole in the definition of debilitating diseases, which changes the word disease into "condition." And what constitutes a valid "condition?" Any condition where the "use of marijuana would likely …
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E-cigarettes, hookahs rise in popularity among adolescents

Filed under: drug addiction definition

According to the CDC, the FDA intends to issue a rule that would subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act all products that meet the legal definition of a “tobacco product.” “A large portion of kids who use tobacco are smoking products other …
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