energy drinks

ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse @ College-So What?


ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse @ College-so what? – Ashley, a College student is interviewed by Dr. Charles Shinaver about prescription drug abuse at college. Is Adderall Abuse or the Abuse of other ADHD Drugs on College Campuses a Big Deal? Students ask ADHD Students all the time to sell or give their ADHD drugs to other students. The line between use and abuse is blurry, doctors prescribe them. Faking ADHD is easy. Coke, Dr. Pepper, coffee, tea, energy drinks, ADHD meds, where is the line? Pick me ups vs. Lock me ups.


ADHD preschoolers more likely to have depressed, violent parents

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Drug-free treatment: In this file photo, specialist Nancy O'Dell, left, shows Sharon Carrell a drug-free way of treating her son's ADHD at O'Dell's home and clinic in Indianapolis. Benjamin, 7, and his mom are learning a variation of an exercise called …
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Putnam County PIE Coalition awards 2013 grants

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Funds for these P.I.E. grants are generated through a fee, which is assessed in criminal cases that are alcohol- and drug-related as established by the Governor's Commission for a Drug Free Indiana and the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. Each year …
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