drug use

What Are the Symptoms to Dilauded Drug Addiction?

Question by sally: What are the symptoms to Dilauded drug addiction?
I’m worried about my cousin Mia. She’s currently using a drug called Dilauded. I’m not sure about what it is or what its effects are but I’m worried that she might get addicted to it because she has a history of getting too involved with her medications. What are the symptoms that I have to take note of?

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron
People who are addicted to Dilaudid are prone to anorexia and has a decreased breathing rate. They often feel dizzy, sleepy and sluggish. Dilauded affects the mental and the physical aspects of its users and it also plays a great role in manipulating one’s mood. Other symptoms include vomiting and constipation. Accompany your friend to a doctor now.

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