drug dealer

Drugs: Not Just 'Their Problem'

Drugs: Not just 'their problem'

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

Paul Starcher stands on the front porch of his Luck Avenue home. Starcher said drug dealers have used various houses on his end of the street to distribute, including an abandoned home that used to stand next to his. / Chris Crook/Times Recorder …
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Alcohol Treatment Miami is Reinventing the Image of Substance Abuse

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

Alcohol Treatment Miami has taken the stigma out of seeking treatment for alcohol and drug abuse with their brand new, cutting edge addiction treatment techniques. No one's journey of addiction and recovery is exactly alike and the certified addiction …
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Youth drug abuse group loses grant

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

NEW ULM — The coalition formed with the goal of changing the unwritten rules around teens and drug use in Brown County. To that end, they received a grant for $ 125,000 a year for five years, starting in 2008, from the federal government. But the Brown …
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