drug addiction treatment centers

I Need to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Manteca, California. How?

Question by ashely lc: I need to find addiction treatment centers in Manteca, California. How?
I want to do this because I have lost people to drugs and alcohol. For a time, I was consumed by my hatred for those substances. Then I realized that I shouldn’t be angry. I should be doing something to curb the spreading of drug and alcohol addiction. This is why I want to find addiction treatment centers. I’d like to become an addiction counselor to help other people.

Best answer:

Answer by celia w
The world certainly needs more people like you. I’m glad that you want to do this. Do you have a background in psychology? That would really help, although I think they would require you to take up a program first regarding addiction counseling.

The links below will help you in finding addiction treatment centers. I do hope that you get to reach your goal. Good luck!

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Orlando Rosado Put Heroin In Baby's Bottle To Calm Him Down, Killing Him

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers california

Rosado and the boy's mother were both in daily methadone programs to treat their heroin addiction. The mother … A forensic chemist testified that the baby would have ingested the drugs within the past eight hours, based on the drugs found in his …
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Students Demand Better Response To Campus Rape

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers california

Women at Occidental College and the University of Southern California claim that their universities fail to meet federal Title IX standards for preventing and responding to sexual assault on campus. …. And any illegal activities – drugs, rape …
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