daily telegraph

Why Are 12 Step Programs Mostly All About God?

Question by Jenn W: Why are 12 step programs mostly all about God?
Like, if someone were addicted to a drug and needed help, what would they turn to if they absolutely did not believe in a higher power? Why would the program be so based on that if it is not everyone’s belief?

Best answer:

Answer by ROUS
You can find sobriety programs without any mention of God.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Leeds needle scheme aims to help drug addicts

Filed under: drug addiction help groups

A pilot scheme to guide drug addicts in Leeds towards support services for mental health issues will see 2,000 special needle packs distributed in the city in the coming weeks. A panel of recovering drug and alcohol users, whose problems were linked to …
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The Bee Gees – Australia's greatest musical group kept some dark secrets

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… trusted anyone outside the family. Until the various resentments became too deep, they took advice and support from one another. …. Dwina helped Robin with his drug addiction, and they stayed together until his death. Robins divorce was finalized …
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Free counselling for depression sufferers

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Cheryl Ansell, from the group, said: “OACS was set-up because we felt there was a need for a counselling accessible to people whatever their financial situation. “Our sessions are free but we do ask for a contribution from people who feel they are able …
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