daily telegraph

How Can I Legally Fill Two Scripts From Two Doctors for the Same Medication at the Same Time?

Question by imrainful: How can I legally fill two scripts from two doctors for the same medication at the same time?
I received a script for 90x1mg Klonopin a month with 3 refills from one doctor, and two weeks later a script for 120x1mg clonazepam (generic Klonopin) with 3 refills from a different doc because the first one was becoming senile. Is it legal to fill both every month since they are different scripts (one is for generic, one is for brand name; one is for 90 a month, the other for 120)? If it is not “legal,” what would be the best way to do it (i.e. fill at different pharmacies obviously, one with insurance the other paid with cash)? This is a schedule IV drug. And any answer that is similar to “Why do you want to fill both scripts? Are you addicted? Maybe you should seek help…” will be ignored. But any other advice is welcome 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Curry
No, I don’t believe you can; any reputable pharmacist would certainly question it and communicate with one or both physicians. You could try filling them at 2 different pharmacies, but I highly doubt your insurance company would cover both. Either way, it’s illegal.

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