college station eagle

Which Drugs Are Used for Assisted Suicide and How Are They Administered?

Question by Ohmannn: Which drugs are used for Assisted Suicide and how are they administered?
I’m doing a persuasive speech on assisted suicide and can’t seem to find any information about the actual prodcedure and how it is carried out. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Mike
Usually Barbituates (opioids) are administered. Not sure the amount.

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Texas twins plead guilty in massive drug case

Filed under: Texas Drug Use

Marcelino Rodriguez, 29, of Eddy, and Miguel Rodriguez, 29, of Corpus Christi, each pleaded guilty Thursday afternoon before Judge John Spataro to one count each of possession of marijuana with intent to deliver and criminal use of a communication …
Read more on Meadville Tribune


18 arrested in North Texas drug ring investigation

Filed under: Texas Drug Use

Prosecutors say 18 people have been arrested in the investigation of a North Texas marijuana trafficking ring. Authorities say a federal indictment … Use the 'Report' link on each comment to let us know of abusive posts. 6 Share with Us. We'd love to …
Read more on Bryan-College Station Eagle


Legal marijuana: Mistake in the making?

Filed under: Texas Drug Use

It will only make the drug war move to Washington and Colorado away from Texas and other border states.If there is a way to tax and control sells it would be better than just having it open for recreational use.If you were allowed to grow your own by …
Read more on Shelbyville Times-Gazette (blog)