city council

Heroin Use in Suburbia Goes Back Decades

Heroin use in suburbia goes back decades

Filed under: drug treatment centers

He touched upon a concern voiced by Ringwood/Wanaque area residents after several drug-suspected deaths when he said that winning the fight against heroin will take more centers for long-term treatment and the funding for them. Thirty days in treatment …


RTX: New drug could replace morphine, end chronic pain

Filed under: drug treatment centers

Should the drug's promise pan out, it could be a boon to local trauma centers and pain treatment centers, such as the Pain Management Center at UCSF, Mount Zion Cancer Center, and the trauma center at San Francisco General Hospital. Stay tuned to see …


Permitted-use change could allow drug treatment facility in South Amboy

Filed under: drug treatment centers

SOUTH AMBOY — News that a permitted use change could allow a drug treatment operation to open at the Memorial Medical Center site on Bordentown Avenue brought residents living near the location to the June 19 City Council meeting. Officials made it …
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