christian drug addiction help

How Do I Stay Strong in My Christianity in Public School?

Question by Riley: How do I stay strong in my Christianity in Public School?
I’m a Christian, and I need some tips on staying strong in my faith at school. My school is rated the school with the most drug addictions, arrests, drunk accidents and abortions per year in my state. I need help with figuring out how to say no to those temptations without struggling with the answer. I want to be a light in my school and i need a bit of advice. Anything helps 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Mitch C
If you wanna be a “light” in your school, then just be a nice person with a positive attitude. Don’t go around preaching because people hate that. Keep in mind Jesus allegedly hung out with pretty shady characters whom others considered not worthy of his company. Relate to people. The specifics of your religious beliefs should be a conversation held after many months of just hanging out with someone.

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Christian Drug Rehab – htpp// – We believe you are here for a very specific reason. That reason is for you to make a decision to turn your life around…



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