charlotte observer

An Unconventional Childhood

An Unconventional Childhood

Filed under: drug addiction help line

As a child of drug addicts, local blogger Sosha Lewis has turned a childhood filled with addiction, uncertainty and loss into a series of uplifting and inspiring stories of healing and growth. From being a child to having a child, join Lewis on her …
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Warning: 'E' cigs unregulated

Filed under: drug addiction help line

The tobacco companies need to replace 3,000 users each day, just to maintain their current customer base. The old adage “It's too good to be true” comes to mind when I see the ads for “E” cigarettes. These products are NOT regulated by the Food and …
Read more on Montana Standard


From heroin death comes HERO

Filed under: drug addiction help line

John Roberts, a retired Chicago police officer, scrambled to his car and was within minutes of reaching his son when a paramedic came on the line: “Sir, you've lost him.” William Michael Roberts died Sept. … “People think 'not my kid,' and so did we …
Read more on Schenectady Gazette


Drug sweep targets young meth users

Filed under: drug addiction help line

During the sweep, more than 100 officers from law enforcement agencies and the Metropolitan Transit System patrolled known hotspots for drug-related crimes in Santee, Lakeside, El Cajon and La Mesa, and the trolley line that connects each of the …