centers for disease control

Yabba Dabba Doo 5K a Hit for Drug Treatment Awareness

Yabba Dabba Doo 5K a hit for drug treatment awareness

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

“Try to just bring awareness that prevention works, and that we need these prevention programs in our communities to help our kids not engage in underage drinking and not engage in drug use so that they don't go down the road to addiction.” In previous …
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Substance abuse program to expand into ninth-grade curriculum at Northern

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

… include a variety of topics on preventing drug use, such as: understanding of social pressures students face; the illegal prescription drugs; use and abuse of drugs and its impact on the self, families and communities; strategies to help treat …


7 US States With the Highest Childhood Obesity Rates

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

We already know that obesity is a growing problem among adults in our country, with more than a third considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What we often gloss …. There is a possibility that newly approved …
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Deep Trouble in America's Slaughterhouses

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act along with the Meat Inspection Amendment, on June 30, 1906 — a law which Senator Beveridge hailed proudly as “the most pronounced extension of federal power in every direction ever enacted.” … In affidavits …
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