alcohol and drug treatment

Police Say Drunken Driver Hit Two Men at Park

Police say drunken driver hit two men at park

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

Schofield must attend four AA meetings a week, must attend a Structured Outpatient Addiction Program and must remain drug-and alcohol-free. The judge … When a Trinity ambulance arrived, Schofield refused medical treatment, Cooper wrote in his report.
Read more on Eagle-Tribune


Minn. and feds in drive to improve detox for drunk people

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

But the report concludes there is no reason to believe fewer people are using alcohol and drugs. The shortage of … "There are no services readily available in their counties," said Hartford, who oversees chemical and mental health programs. Federal …
Read more on Minnesota Public Radio


Addiction Treatment Helpline Opens its Doors at a New Office in Philadelphia

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

This includes analysis and comparisons of detox centers, private drug rehab, 30-day, 90-day and extended care residential drug rehabilitation, outpatient and inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation services and sober living philosophies and communities.
Read more on PR Web (press release)