abuse resistance education

My Nephew Was Taking by Child Protective Services Because of Violence and Drug Abuse?

Question by zeppelin: My nephew was taking by child protective services because of violence and drug abuse?
My nephew was taking by child protective services because of violence and drug abuse by the parents and put in the care of my in-law. He was taken about two week ago. My in-laws are still allowing them to come and see the baby. Are they suppose to do that or allowed to do that?

Best answer:

Answer by flyingmusician
no they aren’t and it shows they have no business keeping the child either because they do not have the best interests of the child in mind.

they can get in trouble for it and i hope they do. this case is by no means resolved yet and i’m sure still under investigation…..when CPS finds out what’s going on…..and they will….. they’re going to be in deep shit. and should be

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Jodi Arias trial: Prosecution on attack in case mixing graphic sex, violence

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

His parents were drug addicts. Sometimes there was no electricity, no food to eat. Travis might have been headed for trouble, but as a teenager he found the Church of Latter Day Saints — the Mormons. He came to see his life's obstacles as …
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Northport task force reaching further in fight against drug abuse

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Daring to say no

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Janice Sawbridge of the Renfrew OPP present a certificate to student Tyleena Coulterman for completing the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program at Central Public School. Steve Newman, Renfrew Mercury … Sawbridge told Central Public School …
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