Senate Budget Writers Agree to Added Mental Health Funding

Senate budget writers agree to added mental health funding

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

AUSTIN — Senate budget writers have agreed to plow an additional $ 230 million into mental health and substance abuse over the next two years, expanding education, treatment and housing of very troubled Texans. The new money would increase spending on …
Read more on Dallas Morning News


Georgia Lawmakers Debate Easing Gun Laws For Those Treated For Mental

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

Judges in Georgia now have discretion over whether to grant a license to carry a weapon to anyone who has received inpatient treatment at a mental hospital or substance abuse treatment center in the last five years, whether it's voluntary or not …
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Many housing-related costs aren't tax deductible

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

Others include fees for trash pickup and similar residential services, dues paid to a homeowners' association and the cost of hiring a professional gardener or pool cleaner. Separate and more generous rules are offered to property owners who rent …
Read more on Chicago Daily Herald