Prop 35, Youth, Sex Trade and Sex Trafficking-Interview With Alexandra Lutnick

Prop 35, Youth, Sex Trade and Sex Trafficking-Interview with Alexandra Lutnick

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nh

But if at any point they stop cooperating, and maybe cooperation means they're mandated to drug treatment or they're mandated to go to this program or they're placed in a foster home or a residential facility– if at any point they deviate from that …
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Medical Names & Faces

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nh

PORTSMOUTH — City resident Linda Lee King was recently among those honored by the New Futures program, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that advocates, educates and collaborates to reduce alcohol and other drug problems in New Hampshire. … The …


District 17 House hopefuls on budget cuts

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nh

New Jersey recently enacted legislation that would send non violent first time drug offenders to rehab and counseling rather than send them to jail. Studies show that the cost in their state to due this would be half of what it would cost them to send …