Program Helps Heal 'Hurts, Hang-Ups and Habits'

Program helps heal 'hurts, hang-ups and habits'

Filed under: addiction help

DES MOINES — A 12-step program offered in 20,000 churches around the world adds religion to the mix to help heal people suffering from addiction and abuse. The program addresses not just alcoholism and drug addiction, but codependency, depression, …
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Sarnia man sentenced for drug, assault offences wants to get clean

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Jillson's drug addiction began when he was 15 and he wants to return to the drug treatment centre where he had been get help following the assault, said defence lawyer Terry Brandon. “Recovery is something I want … I am going to fight for it,” said …
Read more on Sarnia Observer


Redding Pain Doctor Accused of Negligence

Filed under: free drug addiction help

One of his patients, Connie Patterson, says that he is the only doctor in town who can help her. "He has made me where I can get around and do things. He's helped me out so much. Without him I … "One of the things he's attempting to do is bring …
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Chris Herren's anti-drug message will resonate at Staten Island YMCA

Filed under: free drug addiction help

The YMCA Counseling Service anticipates a crowd of 750 people or more. "We would like as many youth and teens as possible to come to our event to hear our special guest speaker, Chris Herren, whose life was turned upside-down by drug and alcohol use …


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