Long Beach Drug Addiction Treatment Programs


Long Beach Drug Addiction Treatment Programs – http://DrugRehabConsulting.com. Long Beach Drug Addiction Treatment Programs. Call 1-877-576-5132 now for immediate help now. Do you need to hit bottom befor…


DeKalb County drug court named to mentor program

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

Drug courts are drug that help nonviolent offenders overcome their addiction. In the program, participants undergo counseling and judicial supervision of their progress. Sanctions or criminal court prosecutions are usually the …
Read more on Dekalb Daily Chronicle


Rubén Rosario: Ex-addict's faith — and others' faith in him — helped him

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

Somong Vang, left, speaks at a ceremony held recently for reformed offenders who graduated from the Ramsey County Adult Substance Abuse Court in August 2013. Vang, 25, was a former drug dealer and gang wannabe who dipped into his parents' life …
Read more on Pioneer Press


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Funds New UCLA Clinical

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

The trial follows recently completed studies supported by MediciNova's participation in NIAAA's Preclinical Medication Efficacy Testing Program and builds upon ongoing clinical development with other UCLA investigators within the addiction research …
Read more on Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)


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