Inspiring Interviews on Addiction Recovery at a Safe Haven Foundation / SAMHSA Garden Gala


Inspiring Interviews on Addiction Recovery at A Safe Haven Foundation / SAMHSA Garden Gala – The interviewees are leaders in education, government, medicine and business, discussing their personal experiences with the A Safe Haven Foundation unique, …


Colorado fights off challenge to 'Taxpayer's Bill of Rights'

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].
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California's Affordable Care Act Will Be Focal Point Of Long-Term Research

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

The Kaiser Family Foundation released the initial results of interviews with 2,000 randomly selected Californians who had lacked health insurance for at least two months. The study will follow the respondents for two years, as they examine their …
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