How Much Can Drugs Harm a Baby During the First Month of Pregnancy?

Question by satankitty: How much can drugs harm a baby during the first month of pregnancy?
I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. In the past few weeks I have taken 1 (possibly 2) ecxtasy pills, drank beer, smoked ciggarettes on a daily basis, and smoked one joint of marijuana. I’m thinking of keeping the baby, so I’m not going to do those things anymore. I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me the chances of the baby comming out deformed or retarted? Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Miss Morgan
Think about it this way, That first month is when the blue prints for your baby are being drawn up in a way. Everything that your baby will be is already mapped out in the first month or so. Good Luck.

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Whistleblower Links Georgia Narconon To Scientology – October 3, 2012 – Lucas Catton told Flesicher he knows the Narconon drug treatment program better than almost anyone. He went through it as a student, and then rose to be become president of the Flagship Arrowhead facility in Oklahoma. “Is it what it pretends to be? Absolutely not,” said Catton. “Narconon is, essentially it is Scientology.”


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