Drug Rehab Treatment Centers


Drug Rehab Treatment Centers – Drug rehab treatment centers in Arizona. Interview with JP at the Ranch.A part of the GateHouse Academy.Watch more on www.sobertalkradio.com


Celebrity feud: Michael Lohan versus 'Octomom' Nadya Suleman; who is lying?

Filed under: drug rehab treatments

Rodriguez stated that Lohan shared the phone number to the treatment facility, and that was the extent of Lohan's involvement. The manager reiterated that Suleman sought out treatment on her own. Octomom is not admitting to a drug dependency but that …
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Abuse of ADD and ADHD drugs rises in the teenage community

Filed under: drug rehab treatments

But some different drugs are sending an exploding number of kids into treatment these days. They're ADD and ADHD drugs, and they're leading to life-threatening addictions and sending kids into rehab for Ritalin. "I really liked the effect and how they …
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