Drug Cops vs. Rx Abuse

Drug cops vs. Rx abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help

Virginia's participation in a yearlong policy group could help curb that trend. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and the National Governors Association have together created the Prescription Drug Abuse Reduction Policy Academy.
Read more on The Free Lance-Star


Ex-Addict goes all in, and wins

Filed under: drug addiction help

As is the case with most alcoholics or addicts, it wasn't always dark and miserable. Merson made straight A's in high school. After graduating in 2007, Merson said that he lost his way. Struggling to find money to support his drug addiction, Merson …
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From Twitter:

GHB is often mixed with water and passed around and has been associated with sexual assault. http://t.co/nFy2qaWi – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )


From Twitter:

Find help for drug addiction, regardless of your finances, by educating yourself about free drug rehab options! http://t.co/rzkiKPmg – by sobrietyaddict (Rachael Ekinci)


From Twitter:

Could diabetes drug help treat those suffering from addiction? | Your thoughts? | via @examinercom | Read More – http://t.co/Q7mRRudU – by RehabsAdvisor (Rehabs Advisor)