Drug Abuse Facts


Drug Abuse Facts – askdrnerenberg.com Drug Abuse Facts tell us that drug and substance abuse is really getting on its tool and should be stop. The change must start on the user him/her self! Know these proven steps on how you can make yourself commit to stop using drugs and other substances. Visit askdrnerenberg.com and change your life now!


Maldives identifies “first” child HIV infection

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

Though statistics indicate HIV infection rates have been limited in the Maldives over the space of the last two decades, health officials in the Maldives have begun to raise concerns about the risk of cases spreading across the country. In October …
Read more on Minivan News


Ice, family violence, drive Vic crime rise

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

Possession and use of the methamphetamine ice rose 58.2 per cent, leading to an overall 20.7 per cent increase in drug offences in the 12 months to September 2012, Victoria Police figures released on Friday show. "We've got a significant increase in …
Read more on The Australian