DJ Mister Cee Confirms Addiction Struggle, Says 'I Need Help'
DJ Mister Cee confirms addiction struggle, says 'I need help'
Filed under: addiction help
"Let me get a little serious. Earlier I said I'm not gay. Let's say for arguments sake I'm lying, that's my choice to lie. If I'm lying and I choose not to come out, that's my choice. I have an addiction to instant gratification. I need help. I been …
Virtual reality worlds could help treat drug addicts learn coping methods to …
Filed under: addiction help
But learning to acclimate is part of addiction treatment too, as addicts try to develop tools that can help them get through real world cues without succumbing to their old habits. A similar process is already weaved into some addiction treatments …
Read more on Daily Mail
Tom's sobering challenge: 3100 miles across US to help fight addiction
Filed under: addiction help
Tom Fitzsimons was a violent drunk. He started drinking heavily at the age of 13 after his father, a drug addict, choked to death on a bottle of whisky. At his lowest point Tom crawled into his children's bedroom and stole money from their piggy banks …
Read more on The Guardian (blog)
Wash. addiction treatment numbers likely to swell
Filed under: addiction help
Only about 1 in 10 people who need treatment for substance abuse in Washington state are getting that help, but officials believe that could increase dramatically next January when tens of thousands more become eligible for insurance because of the new …
Read more on The Seattle Times