A Career Helping Others Overcoming Addiction Anti-Drug Video


A Career Helping Others Overcoming Addiction Anti-Drug Video – A Career Helping Others Overcoming Addiction Anti-Drug Video; public domain video, public service announcement PSA. NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Pro…


Beyond the Nairobi Massacre

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

Their use of social media was a case study in digital virtuosity. The attackers … She emerged unharmed to find that two members of her family were dead and a third wounded. The survivor was a … Drug barons and local warlords control increasingly …
Read more on Project Syndicate


Postnatal complications

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

''I thought, 'What if this mother had serious postnatal depression or a drug addiction?''' she says. … ''A friend of the family was later outed as a member of the KGB, so there was an undercurrent of never knowing what was happening. There was also a …
Read more on Sydney Morning Herald