Dark Wings Owner Still at Large

Dark Wings owner still at large

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

Spice products are popular among young people; of the illicit drugs most used by high-school seniors, they are second only to marijuana, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. While there have been no scientific studies on the product's …
Read more on The Independent


Study: ADHD Symptoms Persist Despite Medication in 9 Out of 10 Kids

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

The current debate over ADHD medication focuses on whether the benefits — improved concentration, better behavior, better performance in school — outweigh the potential risks of medicating young children. Complicating all the abuse potential of ADHD …
Read more on The Atlantic


AZ Legislature doubles down on spice K2 drug

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there have not been any scientific studies on how spice affects the brain. Reported side effects include nausea, … Some users experience withdrawal symptoms. Many K2 users say they experienced a …
Read more on Examiner.com


From Twitter:

Symptoms of a #barbiturate overdose include garbled speech, agitation, severe mental confusion, sleep problems – http://t.co/j7twZ2ne – by BHNDPG (BHNDPG)


From Twitter:

RT @everyaddiction: Symptoms of a barbiturate overdose include garbled speech, agitation, severe mental confusion http://t.co/wUOZGfln – by RedTentEvent (Red Tent Event)


From Twitter:

“Oxycontin addiction can be as powerful as that of heroin” http://t.co/MTDSBhtZ – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )